To make a booking -
Select the date from the calendar, then select the space and time slots required (available up to 2 weeks in advance). Please ensure the timezone on your device is GMT London.
Room Categories -
- Group Study - bookings are in 1 hour periods for a maximum of 3 hours per day
Click on the info button next to each space to find out more about each space, including the equipment available.
When a group area is not booked, you are welcome to make use of it. However, groups have priority over an individual. Priority is also given to those who require media equipment in the room. Bookings will lapse 20 minutes after the scheduled start time.
Cattrell Room - Group study room with PC
Finlay Room - Group Study Room - a PC is not available, a large screen is available but you will be required to bring your own device to connect to the screen. Seating for 2, standing room for 6.
This room also contains the collections previously housed in the Visual Research Centre - abcD (Artists' Book Collection Dundee) - and the Scottish Arts Council Print Bequest. These collections are part of the University of Dundee Museum Collections and can be accessed by appointment by emailing
Munro Room - Group study room with PC
Your Booking